Sunday, 20 November 2011

Franky Cocozza. A cool rock-star or a hairy loser?

When I started reading the Metro newspaper in London, I noticed that the X-Factor is a beloved thing to be written about in the rubric "Guilty Pleasure". To my mind, all the X-Factors in the world and analogies of them are rubbish. Such TV programmes really annoy me, so I can hardly stand throwing something solid at my TV-box.

Metro pays a huge attention to a contestant Frankie Cocozza, 18. I've never seen him singing but, to quench my curiousity, I've listened to his covers on the Internet. And I've found them ugly. He can't sing at all, in my opinion.
He is also famous for being a "bad-boy rock-star", like Peter Doherty (whom I hate so much), but just a poor copy. He likes to have fun, girls, clubs, cigarettes, drugs and maybe rock. An embarrasing thing that Metro publishes like every step he makes surprises me most of all, with stupid headings like "Frankie's rehearsing like a real rock-star", "Frankie has been seen inadequate in the club", "Frankie just went to the toilet", etc.
Okay, I successfully skipped that annoying articles.
He was under the drugs about two weeks ago, just took them before his regular performance on the X-Factor. So, when he was on the stage already, he couldn't sing, and the audience was shocked. He was banned from the contest then. Later he profusely apologised to the public, his "coach" Gary Barlow, his family and others.
As for me, such unpleasent persons like Pete Doherty, Frank Cocozza, Amy Winehouse, Lindsey Lohan shouldn't be published in media. They're not worth it. They don't deserve it either. They're role models for silly teenagers who think it's cool to act just like them; to take drugs, drink alcohol, spend/waste time in night-clubs, and so on. But it always leads to sorrowful results. Media doesn't even think about it, especially Metro. Shame on you, Metro