So, for the first topic I've moved this one. This is one of my friends' favorite themes of mine ever, due to the topic's interesting mind.

Aliens is the first idea that comes to mind. And the most popular one, too. There are some huge argues between people who believe and don't believe in ET. Both sides have their own clever and silly arguments and facts. I personally don't think that aliens have done these practical jokes even if they do exist. What for, let me ask? Just for fun?! Naaaaa.... Unconvincing at all.
It may be also unconvincing, but the next cool idea came to my poor head, which was already doing an Advanced Math at that time. It happened about a year ago, and that idea has become unrealistically popular amongst my peers at my school in Bishkek.

See how it works?=) And suddenly everything's clear, isn't it! I know there will be some skeptics who'll point on that and on this in my posts, saying: "You're being absurd, these things can't be like that!" and so on. But, fortunately, I'm quite thick-skinned enough.
And for those especially who say it's impossible to invent a time machine just because we can't imagine how it is supposed to work (I know many guys who claim such statements), I'll answer: a century ago people had no idea how to contact with their relatives when they're in a big distance. And now there is no such common thing as a cell phone...