Sunday, 20 November 2011

Alcohol kills. An indirect proof. Fact.

A shocking news I read on the Internet last week, and I'm still being impressed.
It was on 13 November, as I can remember, but not quite sure. In south Moscow at night a car at a high speed hit to death two young men, who were passing the road in a forbidden place. There was no need in ambulance, as the walkers died as soon as were hit.

It later emerged that alcohol was found in the driver's blood, and the driver was a woman, BTW. People who saw that terrible accident tried to arrange a lynching, so SWAT had to interfere and to save the drunk woman from the mob.
That sounds pretty much as a common car accident, but one point caught my interest.
A bit later alcohol was found in that two dead guys' blood, too. The older one, 27, was even known as a famous narcomaniac, so that circumstance explains why they were passing where it's not allowed and why they didn't react somehow.
As you can see, all of the three heroes of this horrifying story had a bad luck. It's also interesting that the woman was terrifically biten up by an angry crowd. And all of the three heroes were drunk. Coincidence?..
OK, let's be honest, I used to drink quite a lot, especially for my age; I was addicted to beer in particular. I've tried to give up, but it was hopeless. But now my eyes are really wide open, as I can see what can happen when you're drunk. I believe it was a sign from above, and from the moment I'd read the news, I gave up drinking immidiately; moreover, it was no hard. Alcohol suddenly became anathema to me, and I'm glad it did, as drinking alcohol doesn't bring you to success, but instead, makes you a loser.