Sunday, 30 October 2011

Why've I started this blog?

A good question, isn't it? Recently I've been being given some nice compliments from whoever about my writing style. They may be not truthful, but I still keep believing them. They say I intrigue the reader in my compositions and know how to present the idea. But it's not only for me to show off, I've noticed that I really need to share with someone my thoughts, it'd be a pity if they just go to the bin in my head!
Also, I still can't use Internet well enough as many teenagers in the US or\and Europe do; in other words, I'm behind the adolescents' world. Therefore, bloging is one of the sides which I want to develop in myself. I just really envy many teenagers in movies, who always keep in touch with the world by bloging. It is so cool to me!

The other reason for creating such blog is that it won't harm anyone or anything anyway; instead, it can be very useful. Who knows.
In parallel, I've started learning how to create your own web-site and how to earn money on the Internet. It's a bit confusing for my brain, but I think I'll manage somehow.
I'm warning you: I didn't really get well if I use the blog correctly (someone can find my posts ridiculous, I'm sure), but if it's not right, it'll be some kind of innovation, but I hardly believe it will.
For those who found my first posts interesting and think  everything's okay with my blog - please welcome! =)