Hi, my name is Ulukbek. Luke, actually. Almost nobody calls me Ulukbek anymore. I think you've guessed why.

I'm 17 (will be in November), Kyrgyz. Was born in Kyrgyzstan's capital Bishkek, a tiny and pretty town (yes, town, as it's too small to be a city). Me and my family moved to Moscow when I was 6, there we've lived for 8 years, but then we (except my elder sisters) came back, and I've stayed at Bishkek for 2 difficult, but very useful years. I'm in London at the moment, studying and hoping to make a further education here. As you can notice, I've seen many different cultures already, and I guess I've some experience to share with some of you, although it is said that your experience increases directly proportional to your age. It is true, but only particularly, and I can easily argue with anyone who thinks experience depends on age. Just mail me =)
Many people say I'm not quite talkative. They're right, but they can't imagine what's going on there in my head. It's always full of stupid and useless ideas, which I want to share with the world here. Some friends find them pretty interesting, but again: they're not useful at all, it's just for fun. And yeah, I've no definite thematic. I write whatever I want, beginning with the story about mice in crackers, ending with the serious thoughts about The Second World War. A common silly blog.
So, let's get started then!

I'm 17 (will be in November), Kyrgyz. Was born in Kyrgyzstan's capital Bishkek, a tiny and pretty town (yes, town, as it's too small to be a city). Me and my family moved to Moscow when I was 6, there we've lived for 8 years, but then we (except my elder sisters) came back, and I've stayed at Bishkek for 2 difficult, but very useful years. I'm in London at the moment, studying and hoping to make a further education here. As you can notice, I've seen many different cultures already, and I guess I've some experience to share with some of you, although it is said that your experience increases directly proportional to your age. It is true, but only particularly, and I can easily argue with anyone who thinks experience depends on age. Just mail me =)
Many people say I'm not quite talkative. They're right, but they can't imagine what's going on there in my head. It's always full of stupid and useless ideas, which I want to share with the world here. Some friends find them pretty interesting, but again: they're not useful at all, it's just for fun. And yeah, I've no definite thematic. I write whatever I want, beginning with the story about mice in crackers, ending with the serious thoughts about The Second World War. A common silly blog.
So, let's get started then!